Thursday, May 24, 2018


          Story of four  girls .... means four best friends.. they were friends from school and jazzy name girl live in a miami and three of them live in mumbai ..
          Sonia get engaged and taniya which one is little fat and saloni is beleive in yoga and she is calm one and dont share her secret with anyone because she beileve that if she share she will be week..
            There will be some they three planning for trip..
            Now here sonia has some problem..her marrage was arrangr marraige she dont like it and her fiance is not even want to meet her and feel special to her but she cant reject marrage.  
              They plan for the span trip ...
While on the trip jezzy meet someone actually jezzy is a music director so she met someone who guide her to feel natural music....  

                                  Conitinue to the next....         

Thursday, May 10, 2018


I have start this series .. its basically on original vampire who formed by their mother who was a original Vampire.....
 Their town was situated near the werewolf town. So for protect them her mother did the spell and create five original vampire four brothers and one sister named rubekha.. 

One of them named niklous is a hybrid means a vampire and a werewolf .. they left the town and after 100 years they came back their but towne is honor by micellous he don't allow any witches to do the magic in the town but Jane Salle named witch did magic so micellous killed her and take her body with him Jane alle has a sister named Sophia she know the secret about Nikolaus..

Now micellous is vampire created by Nikolaus so he owed him.. 

Why did jama alle  did the magic because she found one girl named halay pragnet with Klaus child it is a rare case generally vampire have not ability to produce a child .. so she did the spell to protect her and child shophia know that 
ellizah(2nd original vampire)  brother of niklaous he had a deal with Sophia that he has to get Jana Allen's body bqke from micellous so she protect Klaus 'as child otherwise she will kill them both.. 
  So there is one way to get her body back by convincing Klaus for micellous but Klaus have no feeling about everything 

There is now fight between Klaus and micellous and in that Klaus bite his one mam ( only one bite from hybirf can kill vampire and only hybrid blood can heal it) 

 elizah came to know it and he met micellous and had a deal with him that he give Jana alles's body and Klaus will heal is men 
He did this ellixah protect halay and her child

He convince Klaus that  it is a gift that they can be with your family again family which We lost he have a chance to get back unconditional love of a family 
But Klaus don't care about anything he just want to become a king 
 After that ellizah took halay with him Klaus pulled the trigger through ellizah's heart(original vampire can not be killed but can control by stop their breath by pulled trigger). And said him that family is a weakness is he want to be king he have to do it lone

Monday, May 7, 2018


         This a real magic book written the 1730's. The secrets of the capiale cipher remained mystry untill its code was finally cracked after 250 years..

The handwritten manuscript contain symbols a mix of greak and roman letters and the word "capialese" at the end.

It was not until 2011 that machiene learning olgariths decoded and harmonic cipher to reveal a starling initiation ritual

The document was of german origin and described a candlelit"master" with a blue eye amulet surrounded by surgical tools.

It is believed the cipher is a recored of masonic secrets and rites from the aculists an underground order of the freemasons.