Thursday, May 24, 2018


          Story of four  girls .... means four best friends.. they were friends from school and jazzy name girl live in a miami and three of them live in mumbai ..
          Sonia get engaged and taniya which one is little fat and saloni is beleive in yoga and she is calm one and dont share her secret with anyone because she beileve that if she share she will be week..
            There will be some they three planning for trip..
            Now here sonia has some problem..her marrage was arrangr marraige she dont like it and her fiance is not even want to meet her and feel special to her but she cant reject marrage.  
              They plan for the span trip ...
While on the trip jezzy meet someone actually jezzy is a music director so she met someone who guide her to feel natural music....  

                                  Conitinue to the next....         

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